The Farm

The Hack Farm is based on a 2,2 ha (5,5 acres) smallholding in Småland, Sweden, 198 meters above sea level. Farm Plan The farm is divided in different sectors:

  1. Main production garden: This area is the main powerhouse of the farm, maintained in a minimun/no-till system with permanent beds. The whole area is surrounded by a slug fence and has a permanent irrigation system with sprinklers. Around 25% is planted with perennial crops such as blueberries, asparagus, herbs, strawberries, roses.. Other 25% is usually planted with a rotation of cover crops. Inside this area there are two polytunnels of 80m2 and 30m2. The hens are rotated through the garden in a chicken tractor to clean-up and fertilise.
  2. Fruit orchard The orchard is planted as an agroforestry alley cropping system with seven rows of mixed trees and bushes under growth including: a) Fruit: apple, quinces, mullberry, plums, peaches, pear; b) Berries: blueberries, gooseberries, aronia, rubus… c) Nuts: hazelnuts d) Functional: the above are interplanted with functional and ornamental bushes like siberian pea shrub, magnolias, rowans… The fruit orchard also houses our beehives.
  3. Nut forest This area is planted with (eventually) taller nut trees such as chestnut, walnut, beech, hickory.. interplanted with bushes. It connects with the existing border of oaks and maples.
  4. Paddocks Two areas are at the moment left as paddocks for grazing.
  5. Riparian zone The lowest level of the farm is an alder forest in the riparian zone of a creek. Ducks live here to keep slugs in check. Further away from the creek the alders are coppiced for biomass (ramial wood chips, biochar, wood for mushroom cultivation…).

Farm Plan The vegetables have been sold as a CSA under Nybrukarna with weekly boxes delivered locally. Honey and eggs are sold at the farm. Under 2022 focus is on seed production for Nordfrö..

Farm Plan